HS Girls 2004-2001 were MAY 5 and 11
Boys 2015-2005 were May 13 and 14
Girls 2015-2005: May 20 and 21--check below for revised schedule
HS Boys 2005-2001 were May 15 and 16
If you missed tryouts please email us at:
Tryouts are $20 and include a t-shirt that you keep. All proceeds go to our financial assistance fund to help families in need.
FOR: Boys and Girls Teams ages 4 to 19 (birth year 2015 -2001)
WEAR: Shin guards BRING: Soccer Ball and water to drink.
Goalkeepers will be evaluated within their age group.
Due to grass field closures after this weekend's crazy weather we need to move to turf or indoor for our tryouts this week.
Please check your age group below.
MONDAY TRYOUTS (venue change to turf, no time changes)
G2011 5-6:30pm--Doerhoefer Park
G2010 5-6:30pm--Doerhoefer Park
G2007 6:45-8:15pm--Doerhoefer Park
G2006 6:45-8:15pm--Doerhoefer Park
TUESDAY TRYOUTS (venue and some slight time changes):
G2013-15 RRU NOW 5-6:00pm at Westmont Yard Field 3
G2013 NOW 5-6:00pm at Westmont Yard Field 3
G2012 NOW 5-6:00pm at Westmont Yard Field 3
G2009 NOW 6-7:30pm Westmont Yard Field 3
G2008 NOW 7:30-9pm Westmont Yard Field 3
G2005 6:45-8:15 --Doerhoefer Park
DOERHOEFER PARK 4100 Saratoga Ave DG 60515
WESTMONT YARD: 233 63rd St, Westmont, IL 60559
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