High School
National E License
Why did you choose to play soccer?
I started playing soccer at the age of 4. Not to brag, but we won many Park District championships. I fell in love with the competitiveness, high energy, creativity, and teamwork all involved in the game. My siblings and I were always outside playing World Cup or arguing who was faster. Eventually, I tried out for the Downers Grove Roadrunners Soccer Club, taking the next step in my soccer career. I grew to love the game more and more and now can’t seem to quit.
Why did you choose to coach soccer?
I was lucky growing up to have impactful and knowledgeable coaches. They helped shape the way I see and play the game. This experience is what led to my current career in teaching. I became a teacher to work with students in a field I feel passionate about. My decision to become a coach was driven by my same passion to work with young players, fostering a love for the game. I hope to inspire players just like my old coaches did for me. On top of this, I hope players grow in communication, teamwork, and discipline, which can then transcend to other parts of their lives. Soccer gave me so much and I hope to share that with future players.